
Showing posts from August, 2019

Warrior2pose-how to do warrior 2 pose in yoga

Warrior II Pose (veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna) Virabhadra = the name of a fierce warrior Perform the Warrior II Pose: Step-by-Step Instructions Step 1 Stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) . With an exhalation, step or lightly jump your feet apart according to your self or 4 1/2 feet. Raise your arms parallel to the floor and reach them actively out line with your shoulder , keep palms facing down. Step 2 Turn your right foot slightly to the right and your left foot out to the left 90 degrees. Align the left heel with the right foot arch . Firm your thighs and turn your left thigh outward so that the center of the left knee cap is in line with second toe. Don’t press or force your knee. Keep active your thighs. Step 3 Exhale and bend your left knee until you feel body weight on mounds(toes) and as you bend you left knee you have to work on you right leg and keeping pushing right leg away from the left leg. Don’t let pass your knee over the ankle. If possible, bring the...