
Showing posts with the label how to do warrior 3
Virabhadrasana-3 (Veer-ah-bah-drahs-anna) Virabhadrasana-3 give good/solid foundation to the body, and give us great understanding  of gravity. virabhadrasana-3 is a balance and strength building yoga posture. It strengthens  legs, develops a strong core and is adequate to be practiced by experienced yoga intermediates. You can start in mountain pose and step forward into the balancing position as an alternative  to transitioning from virabhadrasana-1 and high lunge as we described here. How to Perform Warrior 3: Step 1: Come into the mountain position or Tadasana. From there open your legs hip width distance to understand the gravity right underneath the feet to feel the good foundation for the feet. Step 2: As you find a good foundation to the feet then you can step one leg back – right or left – and then place your hands onto the hip, but make sure your hip is square and parallel. From there you can bend the front knee until you feel your body weight shiftin